Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A mighty mighty fountain...

Now we now why our tuition increased this year. Sing with me Thomasians:
"We have a fountain, a mighty mighty fountain!"
I've already seen this wonder last Friday while my friends and I were passing by inside the campus. At first it was only the outside and inside layers of the fountain that were turned on. But while we were happily taking our picture, the high-powered-sky-reaching water in the center was turned on and we were like a bunch of kids watching Barney do a backflip (imagine OOooohhhh! AAaaaaahhhhh!). I never imagined that a fountain would be placed in that area. I thought it was just a big and empty park that just replaced our beloved Colayco for the upcoming Quadricentennial Celebrations. But hey, its a work of art. I like the routine of the water and the exploding sound that it creates when the center water disappears. Rush and Jhed says its just like the one at Market! Market! only smaller. When I saw this beauty last Friday, I had the feeling that it would be turned on on Sunday which is USTET day for graduating students in high school. And turned on it was. The parents waiting at the AB Pav and the Quadricentennial Park were in awe when the waters did their routine. My sister and her classmates were USTET takers that day and they were all amazed with the vastness of UST. I was wearing my uniform that day because I took the LTS final exams at the Engineering Building with Michel. It felt good to walk around the waiting parents and USTET takers making your uniform sway in the wind and brandishing your ID like some kind of magic wand and brag that you are a bonafide student of oh----- The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University of the Philippines. While I was waiting for my sister to finish the test, I was looking around the nervous parents of the students and you could read Please let him/her pass on their faces. The noise of the usually chaotic AB Pav was replaced with heartbeats and silent prayers. I felt like I was at the Vatican waiting for the unanimous nod of the College of Cardinals on who should be the next pope. I would have been bored to death waiting for my sister to finish because I have no companion to talk to and no mp3 to listen to, but since the lovely fountain was there, all I did was to find a perfect spot to sit and watch as the Dominicans waste water and showcase their sworn to poverty oath. I just hope that they open it everyday and not just at night so that even the AM classes would be able to appreciate it.
Hey, its there tuition too...

1 comment:

sweatdrop said...

whoa!!!! WOOOWW!!!!! HOOO!!!!! WHEE!!!! HUWAAHH!!!!! hehe... these are the common expressions you'll hear from people watching the fountain! hihi